Selecting Handouts Automatically
SOAPware can look at the current SOAPnote and automatically select and print the appropriate handouts, based on keywords that have been inserted into the Assessment, Plan and/or Medications fields. In addition, SOAPware can look into the Labs chart section and pull handouts related to lab test name and high/low lab flags.
Assessment, Medication & Plan

Notice that in the above screenshot, we have Allergic rhinitis is in the Assessment field and Albuterol is in the Medications field.
Lab Results & Lab Flags

Notice in the above screenshot, that the patients Cholesterol (Chol) lab results have a flag of high.
Select Handouts using Ctrl + H

Once the SOAPnote's Assessment, Medications, and Plan fields are complete, or after the patient's lab results have been entered into the Labs chart section using structured entry, press Control + H on the keyboard (or click Documents > Select Handouts).
Select Handouts using the MU Patient Dashboard

In addition to the method described above, a user can also insert handouts by clicking on the Patient Education item within the MU Patient Dashboard.
Once handouts have been entered into the Plan field, the Red X in the MU Patient Dashboard will change to a Green Plus to indicate that the active SOAPnote contains Patient Education. See: MU Patient Dashboard for more information.
Handouts Added to Plan

SOAPware checks to see if there are any handouts linked to keywords or lab test names and lab test flags (H/L) appearing in the current SOAPnote or Labs chart section. If there are handouts available, the handouts will automatically be inserted into the Plan field.
Notice this function will only choose and insert handouts names if there are handouts in SOAPware that match an appropriate keyword from the current SOAPnote or Labs chart section. If a user attempts to use this function and nothing happens, there are no handouts in SOAPware that match the user's current SOAPnote.