Viewing Task Notes
If notes have been added to a task, view those notes by Pointing at the Notes icon in the Notes column of the task item.
Viewing an Associated Document

If a task is related to a document, that document can be opened by Clicking the task item and Clicking the View Document Button (or by Pressing CTRL + Alt + V). Alternatively, Double-click the task item.
A SOAP Note has been selected in this example, so the SOAP Note Document in the patient's chart opens for viewing.
Using Task Manager to Retrieve Charts

The Task Manager is the best means to retrieved charts needing some type of action. Thus the Task Manager can serve a role similar to that of a stack of pulled charts sitting on a desk. The stacks on a user's desk are now replaced with a list in Task Manager. Legacy SOAPware versions promoted the use of a Pulled Charts section for this purpose. The Pulled Charts functionality was very useful and intuitive in the old days before the need for electronic signatures and legal electronic records. Even though current SOAPware versions still have this section, use of it is is strongly discouraged. Do not use the Pulled Charts List to manage ANY tasks, such as charts needing completion.
To retrieve a chart from Tasks, double-click on the gray box to the left of the Task line item.
Grouping Task Items

To group task items together, the user can sort by column header. For instance, the user can click on the patient column header to sort by patient and group all tasks related to a particular patient together.
Managing the Tasks Area
The task manager area at the top contains the buttons and drop-down menus for viewing, editing, adding, deleting, signing and printing tasks, as well as options for customizing the layout of Task Manager.