Customizing Vital Signs View and Unit System
A user can customize what vital signs are included in the reading types. To customize the vital signs chart section to include the readings needed, follow the instructions below.
Select Reading Types

Click on the Select Reading Types button.
Choose the Vitals Readings

Click to highlight the vital signs to be included. There is no need to hold control or shift while doing this, simply left-clicking on a new selection will add it to the reading types to be included.
If a user wishes to remove vital signs, click to un-highlight the vital signs to be excluded.
Click OK to save the settings.
*Note: These changes are not global; they will be per patient.
Customizing the Vital Signs Filter Options

A user has the option of filling in a start date and an end date to filter the view of a patients vital sign readings based on the date parameters set. A user can also check the box next to "Show All" to display all of the patients vital sign readings.
A user also has the option of changing the view of the graph within vital signs, depending on what filter options have been specified.
Setting the Default Vital Signs Unit System

The Vital Signs chart section can be set to use either the English or Metric Unit System by default. This setting can be customized within a specific patients chart, but the default system-wide setting can be set by following the steps listed below:
- Click on Tools > Options.
- Select the Vital Signs item from the menu on the left side of the window.
- Within the Unit System drop down menu, select either English or Metric. This selection will set the system-wide default unit system for your Vital Signs chart section. *Note: This setting can be edited for an individual patient from within the patients chart (see instructions below).
To automatically fill in the patients height when a new vital signs column is created, check the Auto Fill Height button.
Changing the Vital Signs Unit System for an Individual Chart

It may be necessary for a user to designate a specific patient chart to use the English or Metric system instead of the system default unit system.
To change this setting an a specific patient, follow the steps below:
- Open the patients chart.
- Open the patients Vital Signs chart section.
- Using the radio buttons, select the preferred unit system for the patients chart. This will automatically convert any values that were previously entered into the newly designated unit system. The user may toggle back and forth between English and Metric, and the values will be converted based on the unit system that is selected. *Note: This setting will be saved for this individual chart only. If you wish to change the system-wide default unit system, please see the instructions given in the step above.