Additional Layout Options
Prominent and Rebalance

There are some options for customizing the chart layout of tabs that are in addition to those previously discussed in the introduction. The individual, tabbed chart sections can be changed in a number of ways.
Prominent is used to make a chart section temporarily take up most of the screen. Choosing Rebalance will return it to the original setting.
Add a Horizontal Separator to a Chart Layout

New Horizontal Tab Group splits the layout, horizontally. In the example above, Labs was selected as a New Horizontal Tab Group and it is displayed below in its original position.
To revert back to the original tab arrangement, Right-Click on the Demographics chart tab, and Click the Move to Previous Tab Group menu item.
Add a Vertical Separator to a Chart Layout
New Vertical Tab Group will split the layout vertically. In the example above, Labs was selected as a new Vertical Tab Group so that now there are three vertical tab groups instead of two.
Once again, to revert back to the original tab arrangement, simply Right-click on the Labs chart section tab and Click Move to Previous Tab Group.