Insurance Company Manager
Insurance Company Manager

To enter insurance companies into SOAPware, go to the Tools menu, then click Insurance Companies.
Creating/Editing/Removing Insurance Companies in Insurance Company Manger

- To create or add a new insurance company the user will click on the button with the Green + .
- To edit and insurance company, click on the Edit button.
- To remove an Insurance Company, click on the Delete button.
Adding/Editing Insurance Company Demographics

Enter in the information for the insurance company in applicable fields.
- Insurance Company Information: Add Insurance Company Name, mailing address, phone and fax (optional)
For SOAPware Practice Management:
- NPI: Payer NPI, if required.
- Type: This will be used to determine which box to check in Block 1 on the CMS 1500 form.
- Eligibility ID Qualifier: This will be used to identify the type of Receiver ID used for checking insurance eligibility for patients. Payers that require a legacy ID need to have the âPrior Identifier Number - Q4â option selected in the Eligibility ID Qualifier drop down on the Insurance Company dialog. Payers that require a tax ID need to have the âFederal Taxpayer Identification Number TJâ option selected; the field can be left empty for all other payers. There are several other options in the drop down but theyâre currently not used. If the tax ID option is selected then the Receiver ID field is automatically populated from the groupâs tax ID info.
- Group Provider (Legacy): If the Insurance Company requires a Legacy number in addition to a NPI number, Type the Group/Pay To number here.
- Fee Schedule (Legacy): This is for information purposes only, any Legacy Fee Schedules previously assigned to this Payer.
- Fee Schedule: Use the Drop Down option to select a Fee Schedule from the list in Fee Schedule Maintenance, or leave blank and it will use the Default fee schedule
Insurance Electronic Submission Info

The Electronic Submission Info section will only need to be completed by customers using the SOAPware Clinical Suite (Billing) software. For more information on completing the Electronic Submission Info area, please see: Insurance Company Manager.
Additional IDs

The Additional IDs section will only need to be completed by customer using the SOAPware Clinical Suite (Billing) software. For more information on completing the Additional IDs area, please see: Insurance Company Manager.
Coding System Selection

Select the insurance companies preferred coding system (choose either ICD9 or ICD10). By default, this selection will be set to ICD10. This selection can be changed manually for the individual insurance company at any time.
Provider Setup

The Provider Setup window will be an area to select Provider(s) within a user's network that are under contract with that Insurance Company. Clicking on the Green + will display a window with a list of Active Providers to choose from. Click OK after completion.
This section is important for customers to complete if using the SOAPware Clinical Suite (Billing) software. For more information on completing the Provider Setup section, please see: Insurance Company Manager.