Using the Quick Add Method in the SMARText Items Manager
This lesson will demonstrate how to create a pick list that includes structured text items in the SMARText Items Manager. Structured text pick lists are helpful when the user wishes to create a list of items (not Dx, Rx or CPT) to choose from. For example, the user may want to create a structured text pick list to enter the patients reason for encounter or chief complaint. This method would not be used to create a pick list for Assessments, Medications or CPT codes.
For more information on the various SOAPware data entry methods, see: Free Text or Structured Data?
Access SMARText Items Manager

To open the SMARText Items Manager, press the F10 keyboard command, OR:
- Go to the Docutainers menu Item
- Select SMARText Items
Create a New SMARText Item

Click the button with the green plus to Create a New SMARText Item.
Select the Item Type

1. Click the radio button to select the List SMARText Type.
2. Click the Create button.
SMARText Designer

Use the SMARText Designer to assign a Shortcut, Description, Keywords, and a Display Header for the new pick list.
- Shortcut: Enter a shortcut code that can be used to insert the new pick list.
- Description: Enter a Description to help identify this item.
- Keywords: Used to search for this SMARText Item (e.g. in the SMARText Items Manager). Note: Keywords must be single words separated with a comma and space. Unique keywords specific to the user are recommended (clinic name, clinic name initials, the clinician's initials or name).
- Display Header: This is what will display, as the header of the item when the item has been inserted and expanded into the documentation. Check the box next to Display Header to insure that the header will be displayed.
- Check the box for "only when item is empty" to display the header only until an item is chosen from the list in Quick Access.
Adding Quick Add Items to the Item Settings Box

In the Items Setting box, Click the Create New button.
Quick Add Window

Use the Quick Add window to enter Keywords, Item name, and Text to enter for the new item. Click Save. Repeat Step to add additional items to the pick list.
Hint: Copy the keywords from the SMARText Designer window before clicking the Create New button and paste into the keywords field of the Quick Add window. Include additional keywords when needed.
Setting Item Properties

A user may set Item Properties if needed. For this example, a comma has been added for "Separate with".
Remove Items from Pick List

To remove any items, Select the item the user wishes to remove, and Click the Remove Item button located below Item Settings.
Save the Pick List

Click the Save button to save this pick list.
Add a Pick List Header to Documentation

This new pick list is now ready for use. Type the pick list shortcut code into an encounter note, then press the space bar to enter the pick list. This will insert the Display Header for the pick list.

Display the Pick List

Left Click on the Display Header to view the pick list items in the SMARText Quick Access window for selection.
Pick List Item Selection

Place a check in the box next to an item to insert it into the SOAP Note.