Document Designer Data Item Commands
General Demographics

The General Demographics data item list includes:
- Account Number - inserts the patients billing account number
- Address - inserts the patients address
- Age - inserts the patients age
- Birth date - inserts the patients date of birth
- Care Team Members - Inserts the name of the care team members that are indicated in the patients demographics chart section
- Cell Phone - Inserts the patients cell phone number
- Chart Number - inserts the patient's chart number
- Citizen ID - inserts the citizen ID number from the patients Demographics
- E-Mail Address - inserts the patients email address
- Financial Class - inserts the financial class from the patients Demographics
- First Name - inserts the patients first name
- Guarantor Name - inserts the patients guarantor name
- Home Phone - inserts the patients home phone number
- Last Name - inserts the patients last name
- Marital Status - inserts the patients marital status
- Masked SSN - Inserts the SSN in a masked fashion (ex: xxx-xx-1234)
- Middle Initial - inserts the patients middle initial
- Name Suffix - inserts the patients name suffix (ex: Dr., Ms., Mrs., etc.)
- Patient Name - inserts the patients full name (ex: Last, First M.)
- Patient Picture - inserts the patients picture
- Patient Ethnicity - inserts the patients ethnicity
- Patient Language - inserts the patients primary language
- Patient Races - inserts the race(s) selected for the patient
- Patient Gender Identity - inserts the patients gender identity
- Patient Sexual Orientation - inserts the patients sexual orientation
- Preferred Name - inserts the patients preferred name
- Preferred Pharmacy 1, 2, & 3 - inserts the pharmacy selected as preferred pharmacy 1, 2 or 3 for the patient
- Primary Care Physician - inserts the primary care physician that is selected for the patient
- Primary Physician - inserts the patients primary physician
- Referring Provider - inserts the referring provider that is selected for the patient
- Sex - inserts the patients gender
- Social Security - inserts the patients Social Security number (unmasked)
- Title - inserts the patients title
- Work Phone - inserts the patients work phone number
Miscellaneous Data Items

The Misc. Data Items list includes:
- Active User - inserts the name of the SOAPware user who prints the design
- Ask User - allows a question to be asked to the User when the document design is printed (ex: Question: When can the patient return to work?)
- Clinic Address - inserts the clinics full address and provider's name
- Clinic Phone - inserts the clinics phone number
- Address - inserts the selected contacts address
- Fax - inserts the selected contact's fax
- First Name - inserts the selected contacts first name
- Last Name - inserts the selected contacts last name
- Name - inserts the selected contacts full name
- Phone - inserts the selected contacts phone number
- Select - not properly functioning at this time
- Suffix - inserts the selected contacts name suffix
- Specialty - inserts the selected contacts specialty
- Current Date - inserts the current date (ex: 11/09/2011)
- Current Date with Full Month - inserts the current date will full month (ex: November 9, 2011)
- Current w/Time - inserts the date along with the time (ex: 11/09/2011 14:42)
- Current w/Time and Full Month - inserts the date, time with full month (ex: November 9, 2011 14:42)
- Time Only - inserts the current time (ex: 14:42)
- Full Name - inserts the clinicians full name
- First Name - inserts the clinicians first name
- Last Name - inserts the clinicians last name
- DEA - inserts the clinician's DEA number
- State ID - inserts the clinicians State ID number
- Signature - inserts the clinicians signature
- NPI - inserts the clinicians NPI
Supervising Provider:
- Full Name - inserts the supervising provider's full name
- First Name - inserts the supervising provider's first name
- Last Name - inserts the supervising provider's last name
- DEA - inserts the supervising provider's DEA number
- State ID - inserts the supervising provider's State ID number
- Signature - inserts the supervising provider's signature
- NPI - inserts the clinicians NPI

The SOAP Note data item list includes:
- Encounter Date - inserts the encounter date
- Encounter Time - inserts the encounter time
- Signing Provider - inserts the name of the clinician who signed the document
- Signed Date/Time - inserts the date/time the document was signed
- Subjective - inserts the encounter subjective field
- Objective - inserts the encounter objective field
- Assessment - inserts the encounter assessment field
- Plan - inserts the encounter plan field
- Medications - inserts the encounter medications field
- Follow Up - inserts the encounter follow up field

The Summary data item list includes:
- Active Problems - inserts the summary active problems
- Alcohol - inserts the summary alcohol field
- Allergies - inserts the summary allergies
- Family History - inserts the summary family history field
- Inactive Problems - inserts the summary inactive problems
- Interventions - inserts the summary interventions field
- Medications - inserts the summary medications
- Physical - inserts the summary physical field
- Review of Systems - inserts the summary ROS field
- Social History - inserts the summary social history field
- Surgeries - inserts the summary surgeries field
- Tobacco - inserts the summary tobacco field
Vital Signs

The Vital Signs data item list includes:
- Blood Pressure - inserts the patients blood pressure
- BMI - inserts the patients BMI
- Head Circumference - inserts the patients head circumference
- Height - inserts the patients height
- Pulse - inserts the patients pulse
- Respiration - inserts the patients respiration
- Temperature - inserts the patients temperature
- Weight Circumference - inserts the patients weight circumference
- Weight - inserts the patients weight
Health Maintenance

The Health Maintenance data item list includes:
- Date Performed - inserts the date the health maintenance item was performed
- Next Due - inserts the date the health maintenance item is next due
Custom Demographics

The Custom Demographics data items will allow the user to insert information from any of the custom demographics fields.

The Insurance data items will allow the user to insert information about the patients insurance policies.

The Macros list includes:
- Insert Chart Section - inserts the entire chart section
- Insert CPT Codes - inserts the CPT codes
- Empty Block Start - start command to remove a field if empty
- Empty Block End - end command to remove a field if empty
- Clinical Summary Provided - DO NOT USE - this field was used in 2011-2013 to indicate that the document design was a clinical summary. This macro no longer counts towards Meaningful Use objectives.

The Rx data items list includes:
- Insert Rx's - inserts the medications that are inserted into the patients SOAPnote Medications field
- Queue Rx - this data item is not functioning properly at this time
- Drug Name - inserts the medication name
- Strength Value - inserts the medication strength
- Dispense Value - inserts the medication dispense number
- Numeric (Alpha) Dispense Value - inserts the dispense number in alpha format (ex: Two)
- Sig Value - inserts the medication dose, frequency and route
- Refills Value - inserts the medication refills
- Substitutions Value - inserts "Substitutions Allowed" or "Substitutions Not Allowed"
- Prescription ID - inserts a unique ID number for each prescription that is printed or faxed through Rx Manager. *Note: This data command will present a null value on prescriptions printed through Available Document Designs.
- Notes Value - inserts the notes to the pharmacy

The Insert Order data item allows the orders that are listed in Order Manager to be inserted.

The Scheduling data items include:
Next Visit
- Scheduplate - inserts the scheduplate for the patients next visit
- Date - inserts the date of the patients next visit
- Time - inserts the time of the patients next visit
- Resources - inserts the resources selected for the patients next visit (ex: Dr. Randall Oates or Lab, etc.)
- Facility - inserts the facility for the patients next visit
- Referring Provider - inserts the referring provider selected for the patients next visit
Previous Visit
- Scheduplate - inserts the scheduplate for the patients last visit
- Date - inserts the date of the patients last visit
- Time - inserts the time of the patients last visit
- Resources - inserts the resources selected for the patients last visit (ex: Dr. Randall Oates or Lab, etc.)
- Facility - inserts the facility for the patients last visit
- Referring Provider - inserts the referring provider selected for the patients last visit

Billing document designer codes include:
Current Balance
- Personal, Insurance Balance: lists the patients personal and insurance balance
- Personal, Patient Balance: lists the patients personal and patient balance
- Family, Insurance Balance: lists the patients family insurance balance
- Family, Patient Balance: lists the patients family patient balance
- Total Insurance Balance: lists the total insurance balance
- Total Patient Balance: lists the total patient balance
- Personal Balance: lists the personal balance
- Family Balance: lists the family blanace
- Total Balance: lists the total balance
- Payments Posted Today: lists the payments that have been posted on the current date
- Charges Posted Today: lists the charges that have been posted on the current date
- Last Statement Date: lists the date that the last statement was generated for the patient

- New Immunizations: lists all of the new immunizations that are in the patients immunizations chart section
- Historical Immunizations: lists all of the historical immunizations that are in the patients immunization chart section
- Refused Immunizations: lists all of the refused immunizations that are int he patients immunization chart section