More Info File Information-Claim Level *
Billing -> Patient Account -> New Charges Tab ->More Info
Billing->Patient Account->Claims tab->Select claim from list->More Info
The More Info dialog consists of several tabs for additional visit information needed by payers to process claims. Many specialties require specific dates, certification numbers, etc. Additional information can be added by clicking on the appropriate tabs. The information entered here will be at the claim level and will apply to all charges within the claim. Unless this additional information is required by the payer for your specialty, do not add any additional information.
For charge level only information, you can add information in the Charge Details by double clicking on a specific charge in New Charges tab or when editing charges in the patient Claims tab.
More Info File Information Tab

File Information:
Fixed Format Information
Data in fixed format agreed upon by sender and receiver
At the time of publication of this implementation, K3 segments have
no specific use. The K3 segment is expected to be used only when
necessary to meet the unexpected data requirement of a legislative