End of Month Report
The End of Month report calculates based on the following logic:
The report aging is based on all charges that have been posted (for the provider/group selected), and all payments and adjustments that have been posted to those charges, as of the end of the month or the current date, which ever occurs first chronologically. Charges, payments, and adjustments must be posted or applied in the given month to appear in the MTD area and in the given year to appear in the YTD.

- Select month to report.
- Select the appropriate year.
- Filter by Group/Provider. Leave blank to show all,
- Select Date of Service to see the aging based on the Date of Service on each charge.
- Select Posted Date to see the aging based on the Posted Date on each charge.
A/R Calculations (0-30 Days, 61-90 Days, 91-120 Days, Over 120 Days)

The report aging is based on all charges that have been posted (for the provider/group selected), and all payments and adjustments that have been posted to those charges, as of the end of the month or the current date, which ever occurs first chronologically.
MTD/YTD Units, Charges, Payments and Adjustments

Charges, payments, and adjustments must be posted or applied in the given month to appear in the MTD area and in the given year to appear in the YTD.