Add Personal Payments from Billing Menu
Main Menu -> Billing -> Enter Payments
Apply personal payments to patient accounts. Make Payment dialog can also be accessed in the New Charges tab and the patient account Ledger. To apply Insurance Payments to accounts, see Post Insurance Payments.

1. Click on the Enter Payments menu option to open the Chart Rack. Select a Patient from the Chart Rack and the Make Payment dialog will open.

2. Type payment details.
3. Apply payment to charges:
Disburse: Will auto disburse payment (older to most current charges).
Pay all: Will auto apply Amount to all outstanding charges.
Or you can manually apply payment to selected charge by clicking on the arrow in the Applied column (Red Arrow).
When entire amount is applied, Remaining balance will be $0.00
4. If receipt is requested place a check mark in the box next to Print Receipt and Click Save.
If errors are made, click Clear Applied to remove applied amount(s).