Edit/Update Charges *
Update/Edit Charges
Edit/Update Charges
Charges can be Corrected/Edited from several different locations within SOAPware Billing. This example shows a new charge in the New Charges Tab
1. Double Click anywhere on the line item to Open the Charge Details dialog.
2. Click inside any editable field and make changes/corrections, as needed.
3. Click on any of the tabs to edit information for the selected charge.
4. Click the Save button to save changes
Edit Diagnosis Code

1. To add a Diagnosis Code, Click the Add Code button and begin Typing the ICD-9 code or Click in the Description search field and begin typing description. Click the Select button
2. Delete a code from the list by Clicking the X in front of the ICD-9 code
3. Change order of importance for diagnosis codes by Clicking on the Up and Down arrows to the right of the code description.
Edit Modifiers

1. To add a Modifier, Click the Add Code button and begin Typing the Modifier code or Click in the Description search field and begin typing description.
2. Click the Select button
3. Delete a Modifier from the list by Clicking the X in front of the Modifier
Edit Procedure Codes

1. To change or add, Click to open the Select Charge dialog
2. Begin Typing the CPT code or Click inside the Description field and begin Typing a description for the Code and select code from the list
3. Click the Select button
Addendum added to Patient Chart when Visits are Edited in Billing

When a visit is created in a Patient Chart and has been edited in Billing, an Addendum is created and attached to the SOAP note section of the Patient Chart with a description of the changes