11. Fee Schedule Maintenance (Block 24F) *
Tools menu -> Billing Maintenance -> Fee Schedule Maintenance
Fee Schedule Maintenance

This screen shot shows the Maintenance screen after building 4 different Fee Schedules. The Default Fee Schedule amounts will have to be manually entered, and other Fee Schedules can be based on those fees. Aetna and BCBS AR are based on 100% of the existing Default fee schedule. Medicare is Based on 99% of the Default Fee Schedule for this example.
Adding Codes to a Fee Schedule

Begin by adding Procedure and HCPCS codes to the Default Fee schedule.
1. Click on the Drop Down Arrow in the Name field to open the Name(s) of existing fee schedules.
2. Double Click on Default in the Drop Down list.

3. Click the Add Code button to open the Code Search dialog.

4. Begin typing the code and as you type, a list of codes and the Description of the codes will display.
5. When the correct CPT/HCPCS is in the Code and Description search field, Click the Okay button.

6. Click the Add Code button and repeat steps 4-5 until Code list is complete with Procedure codes and HCPCS codes most commonly used in your practice
Create a Fee Schedule by Manual Entry

Use the newly created list of codes to add a charge for each code in the Default Fee Schedule. Make sure the Manual Entry option is selected
1. With Default Fee Schedule still selected, Click the Update Codes button in the Fee Schedule Details to open the Default Codes Update dialog.
2. Begin typing the code.
3. Type a charge amount for the code. The Default Amount field will automatically populate when applied.
4. Click the Apply button.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until all codes have a fee applied and Click the Close button.
Note: Codes will have to be added to the Code List before they can be found in the Codes Update dialog list.
Create a Fee Schedule Based on an Existing Schedule

A Fee Schedule can be automatically priced based on a percentage of any of the existing fee schedules.
1. Add a new fee schedule and Type a name for the schedule.
2. Click Based On Existing.
3. Select Default from the Drop down list and Type a percentage of the Default fee schedule amount to base the new fee schedule charge.
4. Click the Add button.

5. Scroll over to the column to verify the new Fee Schedule has been added to the Code List.
Update fees for codes added using the Manual Entry Option

Update all Fee Schedules that have been added using the Manual Entry option. If a Fee Schedule has been added using the Based on Existing option, those steps will follow.
1. With Default Fee Schedule selected, Click the Update Codes button in the Fee Schedule Details to open the Default Codes Update dialog.
2. Begin typing the code.
3. Type the updated fee for the code. The Default Amount field will automatically update when Applied and Closed.
4. Click the Apply button.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until all codes have been updated, and then Click the Close button.
Update codes with fees Based on Existing Fee Schedules

Prior to updating fees that have been added using Based on Existing Fee Schedule option, the Based On Fee Schedule will have to be updated by following steps in the Update fees for codes added using the Manual Entry Option section of this manual.
1. Scroll to find the fee schedule to update and then Click anywhere inside the column. In this example Cigna is the fee schedule selected.
2. With the Fee Schedule in the Name field of the Details section, Click on the Preview button. The fees will change according to the percentage amount.
3. Click on Save.
Searching for a fee by code

Search all Fee Schedules for fees applied to codes by code number.
1. Click inside the Code Search field in the Code list section and begin typing the Code. The code is highlighted for each fee schedule displaying the fee.
Hide Inactive Fee Schedule(s)

If a Fee Schedule has been Inactivated and is no longer going to be used it can be removed from the Fee Schedule List
by placing a check mark in the Hide Inactive Items box.
Inactivating a Fee Schedule

1. To inactivate a Fee Schedule and delete it from the Fee Schedule List, Place a check mark in the Inactive box.
2. Click Save.
Note: This will not completely remove it from the data base, but will hide it from view if there is also a
check mark in the Hide Inactive Codes option.