5. PM Security Administration
Tools -> Security
Billing Security options have been added for Groups, Roles and Users. Each section will have to be completed to allow Users access to assigned areas of Billing. Click on a specified action to allow access (green check mark), deny access (red X) or default to the user's individual privileges (leave blank ). Clicking on Allow All button will place a check in all boxes and Clicking Deny All will place a red X in all boxes.
Users should be added to Security Prior to assigning privileges to Billing
Security changes made will not take effect until you log out. For additional documentation on Security see online manual
Assign Billing Security Privileges to Roles

Access to specified sections can be manually allowed or denied for each user.
Another way to assign security privileges to users is to select or create a Role, assign accessibility to the role, and then assign that Role to a User. This will eliminate the need to go into every section of billing for each user and repeat the process.
1. Click on the expander node next to Roles.
2. Click on the expander node next to one of the Roles in the list. (Screenshot shows Office Manager selected)
Billing Access

3. Click the expander node next to Billing
4. Click on Billing
5. Click inside the box next to Accessible-This will allow any user assigned the Role of Office Manager to access the Billing Menu option
Adjustment Maintenance

6. Click the expander node next to Billing Maintenance
7. Double Click Adjustment Maintenance
8. Click on a specified action to allow access (green check mark), deny access (red X) or default to the user's individual privileges (leave blank ). Clicking on Allow All button will place a check in all boxes and Clicking on Deny All will place a red X in all boxes.
Add code-Allows user to add new adjustment codes in Adjustment Maintenance dialog
Edit code-Allows user to edit adjustment codes
Inactivate code-Allows user to mark an adjustment code Inactive.
Repeat Steps 7 and 8 for each section/action under Billing.
Claim Adjustment Reason Maintenance

Edit Note-Allow adding or editing notes.
Update Codes-Allow access to update Reason Codes.
Claims Options

Accept Assignment-Deny access or allow user to Accept Assignment on claims.
Auto Submit-Deny access or allow user to Auto Submit claims.
Clearinghouse ID-Deny access or allow user to edit Clearinghouse ID.
Clearinghouse Name-Deny access or allow user to edit Clearinghouse name.
Default Printer-Deny access or allow user to set default printer for claims.
Office Contact-Deny access or allow user to edit Office Contact.
Office Contact Phone-Deny access or allow user to edit Office Contact Phone.
Office Contact Fax-Deny access or allow user to edit Office Contact Fax.
Office Contact Email-Deny access or allow user to edit Office Contact Email.
Output Path-Deny access or allow user to change output path.
Password-Deny access or allow user to edit password.
Print Full CMS Form-Deny access or allow user to select to print Full CMS Form.
Receiver ID-Deny access or allow user to edit Receiver ID.
Receiver Qualifier-Deny access or allow user to edit Receiver Qualifier.
Save Local Copy-Deny access or allow user to Save Local Copy of claim files.
Server-Deny access or allow user to edit Receiver Server.
Testing-Deny access or allow user to change claim file to Test file.
User Name-Deny access or allow user to edit User Name.
CPT Maintenance

Edit code-Deny access or allow user to Edit CPT Maintenance.
Inactivate code-Deny access or allow user to mark a CPT code Inactive.
Custom Charges Maintenance

Add code-Deny access or allow user to add a Custom Charge code.
Edit code-Deny access or allow user to edit a Custom Charge code.
Inactivate code-Deny access or allow user to mark a Custom charge Inactive.
Fee Schedule Maintenance

Accessible-Deny access or allow user access to the Fee Schedule menu option.
Add Fee Schedule-Deny access or allow user ability to Add a new Fee Schedule.
Edit Fee Schedule-Deny access or allow user ability to make edits within the Fee Schedules.
Inactivate Fee Schedule-Deny access or allow user the ability to make a Fee Schedule Inactive.
Add Code-Deny access or allow user the ability to Add a new Code from the HCPCS/CPT list to a Fee Schedule.
Update Code Values-Deny access or allow user to Update Code amounts.
HCPCS Maintenance

Edit code-Deny access or allow user to edit a HCPCS code in Maintenance.
Inactivate code-Deny access or allow user to change a HCPCS code to Inactive.
ICD Maintenance

Edit code-Deny access or allow user to edit a Diagnosis code in ICD Maintenance.
Inactivate code-Deny access or allow user to change a Diagnosis code to Inactive.
Claim Details

Edit Owner-Deny access or allow user to change Owner/Provider in Charge Details.
Claims Manager

Accessible-Deny access or allow user access to the Claims Manager.
Scrub Claim-Deny access or allow user to scrub claims in the Claims Manager.
Edit Claim-Deny access or allow user to edit claims in the Claims Manager.
Change Claim Status-Deny access or allow user to change the claim status in the Claims Manager.
Rebuild Claim-Deny access or allow user to Rebuild a claim in the Claims Manager.
Generate Electronic-Deny access or allow user to generate an electronic claims file in the Claims Manager.
Submit Claims-Deny access or allow user to submit claims in the Claims Manager.
Print Claims-Deny access or allow user to print claim forms in the Claims Manager.
Insurance Company Manager

Accessible-Allow/Deny user access to the Insurance Company Master files/Maintenance.
Add Insurance Company-Allow/Deny user to add new insurance companies.
Update Insurance Company-Allow/Deny user to update/save insurance companies.
Remove Insurance Company-Allow/Deny user to delete/remove an insurance company from Insurance company Maintenance.
Insurance Payment

Accessible-Deny access or allow user access to Insurance Payment Posting.
Create Payment-Deny access or allow user to Create a new Insurance Payment.
Save Claim-Deny access or allow user to apply a payment and save that payment in Insurance Payment Posting.
Post Payment-Deny access or allow user to post a payment in Insurance Payment Posting.
Apply Payment Details-Deny access or allow user access to add/edit Payment/Remit details in Insurance Payment dialog.
Print Payment-Deny access or allow user access to Print Payment in Insurance Payment dialog.
Change Next Action-Deny access or allow user to edit the Next Action option in Insurance Payment dialog.
Patient Account

Create New Chart/Patient Account-Deny access or allow user to create a new chart or patient account.
Allow Check Self Pay-Deny access or allow user to check the box next to self pay option on patient account information bar.
Patient Claims

Add On Hold/Claim Notes-Deny access or allow user access to comment in the On Hold notes section or the Claims Notes section in the Claims Tab.
Delete Claim-Deny access or allow user to remove/delete claims in the Claims Tab.
Edit Charge-Deny access or allow user to edit charges in the Claims Tab.
Edit More Info-Deny access or allow user to edit More Info dialog in the Claims Tab.
Select CMS1500-Deny access or allow user to select/view the CMS 1500 claim form from the Claims Tab.
Patient Family

Add Dependent-Deny access or allow user to add a dependent to a Patient Account Family tab.
Make Payment-Deny access or allow user to make a payment in the Patient Account Family tab.
Patient Ledger

Add Charge-Deny access or allow user to add a charge from Patient Ledger.
Edit Charge-Deny access or allow user to edit a charge from Patient Ledger.
Delete Charge-Deny access or allow user to delete a charge from Patient Ledger.
Add Adjustment-Deny access or allow user to apply an adjustment from Patient Ledger.
Edit Adjustment-Deny access or allow user to edit an adjustment from Patient Ledger.
Delete Adjustment-Deny access or allow user to delete an adjustment from Patient Ledger.
Add Payment-Deny access or allow user to add a payment from Patient Ledger.
Edit Payment-Deny access or allow user to edit a payment from Patient Ledger.
Delete Payment-Deny access or allow user to delete a payment from Patient Ledger.
Print Receipt-Deny access or allow user to print a receipt from Patient Ledger.
Patient New Charges

Create Visit-
Patient Schedule

Select a Scheduplate-Deny access or allow user access to scheduplates in Schedule tab.
Add a Referral-Deny access or allow user to add a referral to an appointment in Schedule tab.
Change the Status-Deny access or allow user to change an appointment status in Schedule tab.
Set a Recurrence-Deny access or allow user to set a recurring appointment for a patient in Schedule tab.
Add a Resource-Deny access or allow user to add a Resource in Schedule tab.
Delete an Appointment-Deny access or allow user to delete a scheduled appointment in Schedule tab.
Edit Resource-Deny access or allow user to edit a resource in Schedule tab.
Enter Visit Comments-Deny access or allow user to enter visit comments in Schedule tab.
Check Insurance Verification-Deny access or allow user to check Insurance Verified in Schedule tab.
Check in a Patient-Deny access or allow user to check in a patient in Schedule tab.
Take a Co-Pay-Deny access or allow user to take a co-pay in Schedule tab.
Create a New Visit-Deny access or allow user to create a new visit in Schedule tab.
Print a Visit-Deny access or allow user to print a visit in Schedule tab.
Patient Statements

Open Statements-Deny access or allow user access to the Statements tab in Patient Account.
Payer Account

Edit Demographics-Deny access or allow user to edit demographics in Payer/Non-Patient Account.
Add Dependent-Deny access or allow user to add a dependent to a Payer/Non-Patient Account.
Delete Dependent-Deny access or allow user to delete a dependent in a Payer/Non-Patient Account.

CPT Master-Deny or allow user access to view/print the following reports from Billing -> Reports menu
HCPCS Master
ICD Master
Custom Charge Master
Adjustment Master
Fee Schedule Report
Dependency Report
Duplicate Report
Payment Summary
Production By Procedure
Daily Receivable Summary
Statement Report
Outstanding Insurance
Credit Balance Report
SOAPnote Audit Report