Required CPT Code Updates for Meaningful Use Reporting
Due to the changes in Meaningful Use calculations and Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) for 2014, SOAPware has updated several CPT items on the SOAPware Cloud Library.
CPT Code Updates
The SOAPware Cloud Library has now been streamlined to contain only one SOAPware created item per CPT code. Many SNOMEDCT and LOINC codes have been added to these items to allow them to correctly calculate for Meaningful Use 2014.
- ST Plan Items: Items that will ONLY be a ST Plan item are items CPT items that a provider would not "order." Examples of this would be all Office visit charges and G-codes.
- Order Items: Any item that may be ordered is now available as an Order Entry item. These include referrals, labs, radiology, procedures and various other orderable items.
- Immunization Items: All immunization items will now be available as ONLY Immunization Order Entry items. Immunization items contain sub-items specific to performing an immunization. These items also transfer to the Immunization chart section once submitted.
Updated Order Entry Items
All Order Entry items have new sub-items added to allow for them to be used with the integrated SOAPware Practice Management software and to document certain items for CQM calculations. These new sub-items include:
- Modifiers
- Days supply/units
- Performed Date (required for all CQM calculations)
Outdated CPT Items to be Marked as Obsolete

Due to the CPT code change described above, many of the users local SMARText CPT coded items that are now outdated will be marked as “OBSOLETE." These items should be re-downloaded and updated to the new item that is located in the Cloud Library.
Follow the instructions below to update the obsolete CPT coded items.
Updating Your CPT Codes

We do NOT recommend clicking the Update all SMARText items button. Clicking this button may make updates to your Medication and Diagnosis, and may replace customizations that you have previously made. Our recommendation is to follow the steps below to update your CPT coded items.

The new updated CPT coded items will be available on the Cloud Library. Download the most current item by using one of the following methods:
- Type a keyword into the SOAP note and perform a Shift + F11 search to download the new item.
- Open the SMARText Items Manager (Docutainers > SMARText Items or F10) and search for and download the new item.
*Note: SOAPware recommends updating CPT Items one at a time on an as needed basis.
- Delete Old Obsolete Codes

Deleting the obsolete code from the local SMARText library will be completed in the SMARText Items Manger (Docutainers > SMARText Items or F10).
When a obsolete item is detected:
- Search for the corresponding newly updated item by placing the CPT or keyword in the Find box. Click the Find button to search.
- Highlight the new item that contains a green downward facing arrow. Click the blue Download button to download the new item.
- Next, it is advised that you delete the out-of-date, obsolete item. To do this, highlight the obsolete item.
- Click the Remove button.