Installing SOAPware
This lesson provides detailed instructions for installing the SOAPware EHR to your system.
Log In to Workstation As Administrator
To install SOAPware on a workstation, log in to the workstation as Administrator. If this is the first time installing SOAPware to the workstation, you will need to download the installer from: SOAPware Downloads. The SOAPware Downloads page contains the current version of SOAPware. Ensure that you are installing the same version of SOAPware on all computers and the server.
Run the SOAPware Installer

To start the SOAPware installation, right click on the installer icon and Run as Administrator.
*Note: SOAPware should be installed on the server and all workstations.

If you are installing an upgrade from a previous version, the above dialog will appear. Click Yes to continue or No to quite.

If the computer needs a newer version of Microsoft .NET Framework to run SOAPware, click Install on the window to proceed. After the .NET Framwork install is complete, if prompted restart the computer.

The InstallShield Wizard will begin. Click Next.

The License Agreement screen will open. Please read the license agreement. Select "I accept the terms in the license agreement", and click Next.

Fill in the appropriate information in the Customer Information screen, and click Next.

By default SOAPware is installed on the C Drive. In the Destination Folder screen, change the installation location if needed, and click Next.
Validate the Site License

To validate the SOAPware license, enter the server name in the Database Server Location and Site ID in the appropriate field. The Listening Port is 5432. Click Next.

Click Install to begin the installation process.
If a "thank you" dialog box should open, a valid site key must be entered to install SOAPware. If the site key is not available, contact SOAPware Technical Support.

The installation process will begin. The progress of the installation will be displayed in the Status bar.

Once the installation is complete, the dialog box will appear. Click Finish.
Log in to SOAPware

After SOAPware is installed on the server, the SOAPware icon will automatically be downloaded on the desktop; double-click and log in as the Administrator.
Log in using the User ID administrator and the password soapware. Fill in the appropriate information for the Server location and Port. Click Login.

After logging in to SOAPware the Database Updates will run. These updates can take several minutes to several minutes or hours to complete.
*Note: While this process is running DO NOT log into any other SOAPware programs on any other workstation.
Registering SOAPware

The product will need to be registered before using SOAPware. Enter the Site ID issued by SOAPware, then click Register.
*Note: You can use the Windows shortcut keys to Copy (CTRL + C) and Paste (CTRL + V) into this box. If you enter the wrong Site ID, you will receive the following message, “Site ID specified is not valid. Please enter the proper Site ID or contact SOAPware Support for assistance.” An active internet connection is required for registration.

Once the site registration is complete, a dialog box will open to set up the provider for a new site. Click OK.
Add Providers
This page contains all of the license information for your site.

Begin entering license information by clicking the Add Provider link on the webpage.

Enter the appropriate information for the provider, including the DEA and NPI Numbers. If you do not have a DEA number, check the box to indicate "I would like to add this provider without a DEA number".
In order to ePrescribe, the new provider must complete a Surescripts mandated Identity Proofing Process (IDP). To begin the IDP process, please contact us by submitting a ticket at In the ticket, please request for the provider to be registered to ePrescribe and provide us with the providers name. For more information on the IDP process to become registered to ePrescribe, please see: Identity Proofing for ePrescribing.

When finished, click the Save and Close button. To add another provider, repeat the steps outlined above.
Site Registration

After all of the license information has been entered, Close the SOAPware Site Administration page and click Register again in the Site Registration window.
Change SOAPware Password

SOAPware will ask you to change the password for the Administrator account. Click OK to continue.

Enter the old password and the new password. By default, the new password is typically set to "soapware1". Click OK.