Meaningful Use Updates
The following updates have been made to Meaningful Use and the Meaningful Use Dashboard in 2012.0.5044.
Meainigful Use Dashboard Updates
Provider Drop-Down

In prior versions of SOAPware, the Provider drop-down menu was used to select the provider that the user wished to update statistics for and to view statistics for the selected provider.
In 2012.0.5044+, the Provider drop-down menu will simply allow the user to switch between providers for viewing the Reporting Period Snapshot information. It will no longer be used to select a single provider (or All Providers) for which the user wishes to update statistics.
Update Statistics for Individual Providers, Multiple Selected Providers or All Providers

In 2012.0.5044+, the Update Statistics button now contains a drop-down menu with the list of active providers. This dialog allows the user to select the providers that they wish to update statistics for. The user can select one individual provider, multiple providers or all providers within the drop-down menu.
After the desired providers have been selected, the user can simply click the main Update Statistics button to run a snapshot for the selected providers.
In addition, the update statistics drop-down menu will remember the last settings as selected by the user. This way, if the user returns the next day to run a snapshot, their settings will be remembered and the user can simply click the Update Statistics button to proceed.
Snapshot Calendar Dates Bolded

In 2012.0.5044+, the dates that reporting period snapshots have been run will now be bolded.
For example, if the clinic ran a snapshot one week ago that they would like to review today, simply click the End Date drop-down menu and using the calendar click on the bold date. The bold date indicates that a snapshot was previously run on that date.
Other Meaningful Use Updates
Easier Entry of Patient Preferred Language

In previous versions of SOAPware, the patients perferred language had to be chosen using the Language drop-down menu located in the patient's Demographics chart section.
In 2012.0.5044+, the patients language can now be chosen by tabbing into the field and simply beginning to type the appropriate language. Once the first letter of the language has been typed, SOAPware will choose a related language from the clinics Quick Access list and populate it into the chart. This entry method will be more efficient for users who prefer to enter the Demographic data by using the keyboard instead of the mouse.
Modification to Clinic Lab Test Results MU Alert

When a document is scanned into the Labs chart section, users will be prompted with a Meaningful Use alert. In previous versions of SOAPware, users were asked to enter the number of individual lab results that are in a positive/negative or numerical format. In 2012.0.5044+, users will now be promted with a more simple alert asking them to indicate if the lab contains results that are in a positive/negative or numerator format by selecting the Yes or No radio button.
The users will only be promted with this alert if a lab is scanned or imported into the Labs chart section.