Demographics Changes
Maiden Name Field

The user now has the ability to add the patients maiden name within the Demographics chart section.
This feature was added to meet the Meaningful Use ONC 2014 Edition Test Scripts for 170.314(f)(1) Immunization information Ambulatory and Inpatient Settings & 170.314(f)(2) Transmission to immunization registries Ambulatory and Inpatient Setting.
Ability to Select Multiple Races

The user will now have the ability to select multiple races for a patient within the Demograhics chart section to more accurately represent your patient's demographics. In addition, All Other Races was added as an option for the user to select.
This feature was added to meet the Meaningful Use ONC 2014 Edition Test Script 170.314(a)(3) Demographics Ambulatory and Inpatient Setting that requires the EHR to, "identify the EHR function(s) that are available to record more than one race for a patient."
Declined to Specify Option for Race, Ethnicity and Language

The user will now have the ability to indicate that a patient declined to specify their race, ethnicity and/or language. Unknown removed from Ethnicity and Language.
This feature was added to meet the Meaningful Use ONC 2014 Edition Test Script 170.314(a)(3) Demographics Ambulatory and Inpatient Setting to comply with the standards for race, ethnicity and preferred language.