Segment: REF

Loop: 2010CA Segment: REF

Element: REF01 (Patient Property and Casualty Claim Number Reference Identification Qualifier)

Hard Coded to 'Y4'

Element: REF02 (Patient Property and Casualty Claim Number Reference Identification)

Element: REF02 (Patient Property and Casualty Claim Number Reference Identification)

Billing->Patient Account->Claims tab->More Info->Property and Casualty tab->Claim Number

Element: REF01 (Property and Casualty Patient Identifier Qualifier

Element: REF01 (Property and Casualty Patient Identifier Qualifier

Billing->Patient Account->Claims tab->More Info->Property and Casualty tab->Patient ID Type

Element: REF02 (Property and Casualty Patient Identifier)

Element: REF02 (Property and Casualty Patient Identifier)

Billing->Patient Account->Claims tab->More Info->Property and Casualty tab->Patient ID