Segment: PAT

Loop: 2000C Segment: PAT

Element: PAT01 (Patient Information Individual Relationship Code)

Element: PAT01 (Patient Information Individual Relationship Code)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View Policy->Relation

Element: PAT05 (Patient Information Death Date Format)

Hard Coded to 'D8'

Element: PAT06 (Patient Information Death Date)

Element: PAT06 (Patient Information Death Date)

Billing->Patient Account->Claims tab->Select Visit->More Info->Patient tab->Date of Death

Element: PAT07 (Patient Information Weight Code)

Hard Coded to '01' Only if DME

Element: PAT08 (Patient Information Weight)

Element: PAT08 (Patient Information Weight)

Billing->Patient Account->Claims tab->Select Visit->More Info->Patient tab->Patient Weight (Only if DME)

Element: PAT09 (Patient Information Pregnancy Indicator)

Element: PAT09 (Patient Information Pregnancy Indicator)

Billing->Patient Account->Claims tab->Select Visit->More Info->Patient tab->Patient Pregnancy Indicator (Only when required by law. 'Y' or empty)