Segment: REF
Loop: 2010BB Segment: REF
Element: REF01 (Payer Identification Number Qualifier)
Hard Coded to '2U'
Element: REF02 (Payer Identification Number) Size Limit 50

Tools->Insurance Companies->Edit Company->Payer ID
Element: REF01 (Payer EIN Qualifier)
Hard Coded to 'EI'
Element: REF02 (Payer EIN) Size Limit 50

Tools->Insurance Companies->Edit Company->EIN
Element: REF01 (Payer Claim Office Number Qualifier)
Hard Coded to 'FY'
Element: REF02 (Payer Claim Office Number) Size Limit 50

Tools->Insurance Companies->Edit Company->Claim Office Number
Element: REF01 (Payer National Association of Insurance Commissioners Code Qualifier)
Hard Coded to 'NF'
Element: REF02 (Payer National Association of Insurance Commissioners Code) Size Limit 50

Tools->Insurance Companies->Edit Company->NAIC Code
Element: REF01 (Billing Provider Commercial Number Qualifier)
Hard Coded to 'G2'
Element: REF02 (Billing Provider Commercial Number)

Tools->Insurance Companies->Edit Company->Billing Provider Commercial #
Element: REF01 (Billing Provider Location Number Qualifier)
Hard Coded to 'LU'
Element: REF02 (Billing Provider Location Number) Size Limit 50

Tools->Insurance Companies->Edit Company->Billing Provider Location #