Segment: NM1
Loop: 2010BA Segment: NM1
Element: NM101 (Subscriber Name Entity Identifier Code)
Hard Coded to 'IL'
Element: NM102 (Subscriber Name Entity Identifier Qualifier)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->Is Person
Element: NM103 (Subscriber Name Last or Organization)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->Last Name
Element: NM104 (Subscriber Name First)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->First Name
Element: NM105 (Subscriber Name Middle)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->Middle Name
Element: NM107 (Subscriber Name Suffix)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->Suffix
Element: NM108 (Subscriber Name Identification Code Qualifier)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->Policy # Type (Currently Hard coded to 'MI')
Element: NM109 (Subscriber Name Identification Code)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->Policy #