Segment: SBR
Loop: 2000B Segment SBR
Element SBR01 (Subscriber Payer Responsibility Sequence Code)
Billing->Patient Account->Claims tab->File With
Element: SBR02 (Subscriber Individual Relationship Code)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->Relation
Element: SBR03 (Subscriber Reference Identification)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->Group#
Element: SBR04 (Subscriber Name)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->Group Name
Element: SBR05 (Subscriber Insurance Type Code)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->Secondary Policy->View->Medicare Secondary Type. (Used only if Medicare is destination payer and not primary payer)
Element: SBR09 (Subscriber Claim Filing Indicator Code)

Billing->Patient Account->Insurance tab->View->Status