2014 Meaningful Use Attestation Checklist
Covering the Basics
The following checklist may be used in conjunction with the SOAPware Meaningful Use Resource Center user guides for Meaningful Use attestation. This checklist includes processes to becoming better prepared toward a practice’s implementation for Meaningful Use participation for the 2014 reporting period. If you do not have a login to access the Meaningful Use Resource Center, please submit a ticket to our Training team at www.soapware.com/ticket. One login and password is provided for each site to share amongst staff members to view these resources.
SOAPware 2014 Meaningful Use Resource Center
The deadline for Medicare providers to complete attestation with CMS for 2014 incentives is February 28, 2015. If you are a Medicaid provider, we advise contacting your state Medicaid agency for attestation deadline information.
*Please Note: It is the responsibility of each provider to maintain supporting paper or electronic documentation to fully support the data that is submitted during attestation. It is recommended to retain this documentation for at least six (6) years in case of an audit. For more information on keeping supporting documentation, please see the following CMS resource: EHR Incentive Programs Support Documentation for Audits.
2014 Attestation

The table above represents the total number of objectives that you must report on, based upon the Meaningful Use Stage that you are participating in.
Medicare providers should attest by visiting the Medicare & Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Registration and Attestation System. Medicaid providers should contact their state Medicaid program for attestation instructions.
If you plan to attest, and still need Technical Support assistance to retrieve your 2014 Stage 1 or Stage 2 Meaningful Use and/or CQM snapshot, you must submit a ticket requesting assistance by February 18th, 2015. To submit a ticket for assistance, please click here.
*Note: You must have a valid backup from December 31st, 2014 in order for Technical Support to generate a snapshot for 2014 reporting periods.
CMS Resources
Below is a list of CMS Resources regarding attestation. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please submit a ticket to our Training team at www.soapware.com/ticket.
Stage 1 Resources:
- Stage 1 Attestation Calculator
- Stage 1 Attestation Worksheet
- Stage 1 Attestation Guide
- Stage 1 Guidance for Keeping Supporting Documentation
Stage 2 Resources: