Scheduling an Appointment

Schedule a Patient Appointment

Double Click on a Needed Time Slot

Double Click on a Needed Time Slot

1. The Chart Rack will be pulled up.

2. Type in the Patient Name.

3. When the correct patient is pulled up, click Select or double click the patient.

Schedule Tab - Patient Appointments

Schedule Tab - Patient Appointments

Enter the below Appointment information, as needed:

1. Visit Detail: Summary of the overall length of the appointment

2. Scheduplate: The appointment type

3. Referral: Referring Provider

4. Facility:  Place of Service

5. Status: The status of the patient visit within the clinic's work flow. (This list is completely customizable by clinic.)

6. Recurrence: Sets recurrences of the visit, if needed.

7. Resources: Allows the scheduling of one to multiple resources for one visit

8. Visit Comments: Allows miscellaneous information and visit details to be entered and stored for the visit.

9. Verification: Indicates the date and user who verified the patient's insurance benefits and eligibility.

10. Check-In: Allows a patient to be checked in with the click of a button.

11. Take Co-Pay: Allows a patient's co-pay to be taken at the beginning of the visit.

12. Visit List: Displays all of the patient's past, current and future appointments to be displayed in one place, to help prevent double booking an appointment.

13. Today: Immediately selects the current day's visit.

14. Print Visit: Prints out the selected visit.

15. New Visit: Creates a new appointment for the patient.


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